Hanoi Beer strengthens its position with the high-end Hanoi Premium product.

DNHN - Hanoi Premium is a premium beer from Hanoi Beer that has recently "appeared" with a sleek look. It brings a trendy beer while fully retaining the essence from more than 132 years, making for a sophisticated experience. Deserving of an Upgrade.

retaining the essential qualities

 A product known as Hanoi Premium represents a significant shift in the 132-year endeavour to maintain and develop the core values of the Hanoi Beer brand. Hanoi Premium is a sleek, contemporary take on Hanoi Beer that is poised to soar to new heights alongside the modern consumer—a person with a lot of personality who is eager to make an impression while also appreciating classic values.

Asserting its distinct legacy and raising the bar, Hanoi Premium's look is portrayed through a young and liberal design language with a characteristic red colour combined with platinum silver, in harmony with the modern flow. for premium Lager brew. Hanoi Premium is unique not only because of its chic design but also because it has preserved the 132-year-old Hanoi Beer tradition, which has been revered for hundreds of years by masters and is steeped in esoteric values. Strict and methodical at every stage of the fermentation process, the master brewer, crafts a classic yet fashionable beer flavour.

Hanoi Premium is known for its unmistakable spiritual value, which captivates generations with its complete crystallisation of the cultural identity of the Hanoi people in every line of sparkling golden beer that encapsulates the spirit and tenacious efforts of the Vietnamese people over hundreds of years. Hanoi Premium's distinct flavour is the result of the merging of traditional quintessence, developed over many generations, with modern quintessence, as the brand continues to soar to new heights.

A premium beer that symbolises the intellectual generation is created by combining a taste that is inherited from generations of brewing tradition with a trendy look that symbolises a powerful transformation. The result is a delicate harmony. The youth of Vietnam are passionate and eager to achieve great things.

Hanoi Premium - trendy beer.
Hanoi Premium - trendy beer..

Desire to elevate new position

 Aspiring to soar to greater heights and solidify a new position, Hanoi Premium never settles for subpar products or services and continuously pushes the envelope in terms of innovation and originality. The combination of the world-famous imported ingredients mixed with technology and the essence of over 132 years of Vietnamese identity is what makes the Hanoi Premium flavour so appealing to consumers of the younger generation. Turmeric is fermented for an esoteric long period to produce a beer with a great taste that helps drinkers fully experience an amazing aftertaste and elevate all senses.

Every component that contributes to Hanoi Premium beer's signature quality is handpicked from the most renowned ingredient regions. The famous hop flowers, sometimes referred to as Houblon flowers, are harvested in Europe's autumn and give off a sophisticated, mellow aroma in addition to their distinctive bitter taste. To make a rich, premium beer, only the tallest two-row barley flowers in Southern Australia are chosen. Good ingredients are combined with a special long-term fermentation secret to keep the yeast pure and fresh without mixing, help the beer mature to the perfect degree, and remove impurities from young beer.

Last but not least, dual filtration technology gives Hanoi Premium a distinctive, sparkling golden colour and the most advanced two-level negative cold filtration technology in the world maintains the beer's refreshing taste in an ideal setting. Every time you enjoy a drink, the deep cooling dual filtration technology produces a golden colour, crisp beer flavour, and an overall sensory experience that lasts from the first to the last sip.

Hanoi Premium, which is constantly innovating to create excellent beer flavours based on traditional quintessence, is an affirmation of Hanoi Beer's desire to elevate itself and establish new benchmarks for its new position. In addition to being a luxury product, Hanoi Premium also has a higher purpose: it represents and accompanies a new generation of aspirational buyers who are always appreciating, inheriting the essence, and being innovative and creative to be prepared to take risks and confidently create future successes.

P.V (T/h)

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