The top category of imported items with a "billion dollar" increase

General Department of Customs, the groups of imported goods increased the most in the first six months of the year were computers, electronic products and components, which increased by 9.26 billion USD; petrol and oil of all kinds increased by 2.83 billion USD; coal of all kinds increased by 2.49 billion USD, and chemicals increased by 1.3 billion USD...

By 2045, the coal market will be completely competitive

The overarching aim by 2030 is to grow Vietnam's coal industry into a developed, highly competitive sector with the sophisticated technology in all phases of exploration and coal mining, processing, transportation, and consumption in comparison to the area.

Attracting significant FDI investments into real estate

The real estate industry came in second in terms of attracting FDI, with over 3.15 billion USD in investment capital, representing 22.5 per cent of total registered investment capital.

The First Beer House Opens at MerryLand Quy Nhon

Beer House - the first beer restaurant in MerryLand Quy Nhon - formally opened and welcomed customers on the afternoon of July 23, 2022. This is the newest activity in the MerryLand Quy Nhon peninsula city project's early operating plan to diversify experiences and welcome a significant number of tourists to Quy Nhon and Binh Dinh.

Exporting to the EU: Beware of mixed products containing ingredients of animal origin

EU amends the form of a food safety certificate for consignments of mixed products containing ingredients of animal origin imported and transited into the EU.

"Guidelines for the Official Export of Vegetables and Fruits to the Chinese Market" are now available

The manual is intended for readers who are locales, industry organizations, corporations, and producers engaged in the production chain, particularly those exporting vegetables and fruits to the Chinese market.

Imports of textile, leather, and shoe materials and accessories from China climbed by 11.7 per cent in 2021 compared to the previous year

Vietnam imported 53 per cent of textile, garment, leather, and shoe materials from China in the first six months of the year, with a total value of 7.76 billion USD, up 11.7 per cent from the same time in 2021.

SBV controls the flow of loan money into manufacturing and business

The State Bank manages credit to help economic growth recovery while remaining agnostic to inflation risks; leads credit institutions to expand credit safely and effectively, directing credit to production and commercial areas.

Textile and apparel manufacturers are experiencing a dearth of orders, which is lowering capacity towards the end of the year

Consumption of goods stalled, and clients prolonged orders, leading the company's inventory to build to 3-6 months, causing cash flow to halt, making future commercial operations impossible.

Three encouraging economic indicators for Vietnam

Our country's economic recovery and expansion have produced very optimistic outcomes. Many FDI projects are "pouring" billions of dollars of money into Vietnam, which is a positive indicator of the present economy's "transformation" phase.

Pepper prices continue to fluctuate below 70,000 VND/day

The pepper market in the country is in a gloomy state, today's price of pepper fluctuates between 66,500 - 69,500 VND/kg. Many experts advise current farmers to develop sustainably and sell enough to the market to avoid risks.

ADB maintains Vietnam's growth forecast at 6.5%

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has just announced that it still maintains its growth forecast for Vietnam at 6.5% in 2022 and 6.7% in 2023 as previously published in the Asian Development Outlook (ADO) April 2022.

Real estate prices are at a record high, affordable housing is absent

In fact, the luxury housing segment is redundant, while the social housing and low-cost commercial housing segment is less than 2 billion VND/apartment.

Vietnam's growth expectation remains at 6.5 per cent, according to the ADB

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has indicated that its growth prediction for Vietnam remains unchanged at 6.5 per cent in 2022 and 6.7 per cent in 2023, as previously reported in the Economic Report. ADO (Asian Development Outlook) for April 2022.

Chinese homebuyers are growing impatient as the market continues to deteriorate

Many banks have increased liquidity precautions as a result of the unexpected surge in the number of Chinese homeowners postponing mortgage payments. Economists are concerned if more homebuyers fail to pay their mortgages, the market's low feeling would diminish demand and prices will continue to decline, damaging sentiment within a cycle. The real estate crisis has created a vicious spiral.

The Chinese market is open to shrimp and fish exports

With measures to relax anti-epidemic rules, the Chinese market is steadily regaining consumption and is a viable destination for Vietnamese seafood from now until the end of the year.

The tuna export sector is expected to reach $1.1 billion due to its rapid development rate

Vietnam Customs figures, the export turnover of tuna in June 2022 reached 90 million USD, a 41 per cent increase. Tuna exports are predicted to equal around 1.1 billion USD in 2022, representing a 45 per cent increase over 2021.

Publication of ASEAN Guidelines on Consumer Protection by Social Organizations

Consumer Protection Association can aid with collective consumer grievances, such as court settlements and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) processes...

Has the status of Vietnam's honey exports to the United States changed since the anti-dumping tariff was changed?

The honey business in Vietnam is actively working to maintain exports to the US market after the US drastically reduced its anti-dumping duty after the settlement of the trade dispute. Because of this tariff, however, Vietnamese honey has a hard time competing with imports from other nations.

The real estate channel will tighten several cash flow signals

The State Bank representative has formally indicated that there is no policy to limit credit. However, the draft amending Circular 39/2016 has several indications that capital flow will be restricted with this investment channel.