Applying high technology to enhance productivity and assert the position of agricultural products

DNHN - Vietnamese agriculture has made significant strides, but to meet market demands and increase productivity, the application of high technology is an indispensable trend.

With the potential and advantages of the Vietnamese agricultural sector, the application of high technology not only helps increase productivity and production efficiency but also affirms the position of Vietnamese agricultural products in the international market
With the potential and advantages of the Vietnamese agricultural sector, the application of high technology not only helps increase productivity and production efficiency but also affirms the position of Vietnamese agricultural products in the international market.

One of the most important benefits of applying high technology in agriculture is enhancing productivity and production efficiency. High technology, such as automation systems, smart sensors, artificial intelligence, and data analytics, can help farmers improve management and control of the production process. For example, automated irrigation and pesticide spraying systems can adjust the amount of water and pesticides appropriately, ensuring optimal use and reducing waste. Smart sensors can provide information about soil moisture, temperature, and nutrients, allowing farmers to adjust cultivation methods to achieve maximum efficiency. With the support of high technology, the productivity and quality of agricultural products can be significantly improved.

Secondly, high technology also creates new opportunities to increase the added value of agricultural products. The application of technology in the processing, preservation, and transportation of products can help extend the shelf life and quality of agricultural products, while minimizing post-harvest losses. For example, industrial refrigeration technology and smart supply chain management systems can help maintain ideal temperatures and environments for agricultural products during transportation from production sites to consumption points. This helps better preserve products, extend their shelf life, and maintain quality, thereby creating higher value in the market. Additionally, high technology plays a crucial role in developing high-value-added products such as organic agricultural products, organic products, or high-tech products, promoting product diversification and enhancing market competitiveness.

Thirdly, the application of high technology in agriculture helps affirm the position of Vietnamese agricultural products in the international market. High technology brings transparency and ensures product quality, helping to build consumer trust. Technologies such as blockchain can be used to record information about the origin, production process, and quality of products. This enhances the traceability and inspection of agricultural products, thereby creating trust and higher valuation from consumers, especially in an era where people are increasingly concerned about the origin and safety of food.

Moreover, the application of high technology in agriculture creates opportunities to access international markets and enhance the competitiveness of Vietnamese agricultural products. Information technology and connectivity networks help farmers and agricultural businesses access market information, find partners and customers, thereby expanding export scales and developing new markets. Technology also helps improve promotion capabilities and reach consumers on online platforms, helping Vietnamese agricultural products reach a wider international customer base.

However, to promote the application of high technology in Vietnamese agriculture, support from government levels, businesses, and related organizations is necessary. Investment in information technology infrastructure, training, and improving technical capacity for farmers, as well as creating encouraging policies and favorable conditions for businesses to apply high technology in agricultural production are needed.

With the potential and advantages of the Vietnamese agricultural sector, the application of high technology not only helps increase productivity and production efficiency but also affirms the position of Vietnamese agricultural products in the international market. Promoting technological innovation in agriculture not only brings benefits to farmers and agricultural businesses but also contributes to sustainable development and the national economy.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Phung Duc Tien
Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Phung Duc Tien.

In an interview with, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Phung Duc Tien, stated that high technology in agriculture has been officially included in legal documents by the Prime Minister.

"Currently, we have seen strong development in high-tech agricultural zones. However, it is worth noting that the investment support mechanism to fill these high-tech agricultural zones is still limited. Furthermore, attracting high technology in agriculture has not been effectively implemented. Therefore, in the near future, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, together with the provinces, will review the criteria related to high-tech agriculture. Subsequently, the Ministry will select investors with actual high technology to leverage the country's potential and advantages," the Deputy Minister said.

Mr. Tien cited the example of Xuan Thien Animal Feed Factory (Thanh Hoa), stating that owning synchronized equipment and technology reduces production costs per unit of product, thereby helping the business enhance its competitiveness. In reality, 60 – 65% of costs in animal husbandry are feed costs. "Therefore, we believe that with the cooperation of Xuan Thien, we will enter a new phase in animal feed production," Mr. Tien shared.

Phan Chinh

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