A new breakthrough for Vietnamese entrepreneurs expanding globally

DNHN - January 27, 2024, in Ho Chi Minh City, the 4th General Assembly of the Vietnamese Entrepreneurs Association Abroad for the term 2023-2028, themed "Innovation - Unity - Creativity and Sustainable Development," concluded successfully.

Delegates attending the Congress took photos with the Executive Committee of the Vietnamese Entrepreneurs Association Abroad for the 2023-2028 term
Delegates attending the Congress took photos with the Executive Committee of the Business Association of Overseas Vietnamese for the 2023-2028 term.

Commencing on January 26, the Assembly predominantly focused on discussing and evaluating the association's activities from 2018 to 2023. It outlined directions, goals, tasks, and solutions for the 2023-2028 term, culminating in the election of the Executive Committee. After the January 27 working day, the Election Committee announced the new Executive Committee consisting of 43 members, with Nguyen Hong Hue as the new Chairman, accompanied by 9 vice-chairpersons, 1 general secretary, and a supervisory board comprising 5 members.

As a Vietnamese entrepreneur investing in Australia and honoured to be a guest at the conference, Mr Nguyen Hong Minh, Secretary-General of the Hanoi City Transport Association and Chairman of the Council of Members cum General Director of Nguyen Minh Trading and Tourism Company Limited shared his thoughts with the Business and Integration electronic magazine during a quick interview on his way back to Hanoi from the airport.

Mr. Nguyen Hong Minh is the Secretary-General of the Hanoi City Transport Association, Chairman of the Council of Members, and also serves as the General Director of Nguyen Minh Trading and Tourism Company Limited
Mr. Nguyen Hong Minh is the Secretary-General of the Hanoi City Transport Association, Chairman of the Council of Members, and serves as the General Director of Nguyen Minh Trading and Tourism Company Limited.

In a jubilant and emotional tone, Mr Nguyen Hong Minh expressed, "As a Vietnamese entrepreneur investing in the Australian market, I am deeply honoured to be invited to participate in this assembly. Being a child of Vietnam, I feel proud and appreciate what the Association has been doing to contribute to the homeland. As we can see, Vietnam has integrated globally, administrative procedures have been streamlined across the five continents, and the Party and the State's policy is to be friends with all nations. Living together in peace and supporting each other for mutual development. Our Vietnamese diaspora now consists of nearly 6.5 million people worldwide, residing in over 40 territories. This time, coming together for our homeland and participating in this assembly, we are fortunate to meet brothers and sisters from different countries, fostering exchange and learning a great deal. Especially, this is an opportunity for us to understand more about the cultures of other nations, enhance communication, and lay the groundwork for the development of our businesses."

"Yesterday, we also managed to raise funds for 20 charity houses in Dien Bien. Not a substantial amount, but it's a heartfelt contribution from all around, with each country contributing one house... Truly, I feel very happy. The two-day General Assembly was incredibly interesting, broadening our perspectives," Mr. Minh recounted.

According to Mr Minh, through the main assembly, he gained a deeper understanding as delegates from all five continents attended and shared their observations of Vietnam's significant and positive transformation, aligning with the aspirations of President Ho Chi Minh to stand shoulder to shoulder-with the major powers of the five continents. "We also feel the responsibility of our generation, enjoying the warmth and peace of life. Because we belong to the 1975 generation, our fathers and grandfathers also fought the enemy like many other families. Therefore, we always cherish the foundation of peace."

"If, decades ago, Vietnamese stepping into the world was a challenge. We always felt small and inferior. Nowadays, it's entirely different. We are friendly, and hospitable, wherever Vietnamese people go, we are united, cheerful, and harmonious. The optimism of the Vietnamese is also the number one advantage. In any community, we integrate and adapt very quickly, and the local authorities create favourable conditions for our development…

Our delegates, through many sessions during the two-day assembly, deeply discussed and unanimously agreed that thanks to the Party, the government, and the generations before us who sacrificed for independence and peace, we have the present day. We have the opportunity to go abroad to start businesses, invest, and strive to earn some meagre foreign currencies to contribute in a small way to building our homeland, Vietnam," Mr Minh shared.

The delegation of the Vietnamese Business Association in Australia participated in the congress
The delegation of the Vietnamese Business Association in Australia participated in the congress.

Earlier at the assembly, Mr. Nguyen Manh Dong, Deputy Head of the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), also assessed that, along with the strength and consolidation of the position of Vietnamese people abroad, the community of entrepreneurs abroad has been "continuously developing both qualitatively and quantitatively." The establishment of the association in 2009 and its subsequent growth over the past 15 years is clear evidence of this trend. According to Mr. Dong, each assembly is not only a significant event for the Vietnamese entrepreneur community abroad but also marks a new stage of maturity for this community, opening up new opportunities.

It is worth noting that the Vietnamese Entrepreneurs Association Abroad, in English, is known as the Business Association of Overseas Vietnamese, abbreviated as BAOOV, established according to Decision 273/2009/QD-BNV dated March 13, 2009, by the Ministry of Home Affairs. The Association is a professional social organisation of the community of entrepreneurs and businessmen of Vietnamese origin abroad, with the purpose of "Cooperating, sharing information among businesses, entrepreneurs, and organisations of entrepreneurs both domestically and internationally, thereby promoting cooperative relationships in economic, commercial, scientific, and technological fields, contributing to the socio-economic development of the country."

From 2009 until now, the Association has built a network of members in 40 countries and territories, truly serving as the centre for the solidarity of Vietnamese business associations worldwide, acting as a bridge for promoting trade and investment cooperation among entrepreneurs and businesses...

Xuan Cuong

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