Special mechanisms: A "Boost" for local development

DNHN - To ensure balanced and sustainable development nationwide, the implementation of special mechanisms will drive local development. These mechanisms also provide a significant "boost" for growth and progress.

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Recently, the government presented to the National Assembly a draft resolution outlining special mechanisms and policies for implementing national target programs.

Previously, the National Assembly discussed a draft resolution on organizing urban governance and piloting certain development mechanisms and policies for Da Nang City.

For instance, after four years of implementing National Assembly Resolution No. 119/2020/QH14, Da Nang City has recorded notable achievements in the effectiveness and efficiency of its state administrative apparatus, as well as in promoting the decentralization and delegation of authority from the city government to lower levels, specifically districts and wards.

However, the city still faces several challenges and difficulties, including issues related to the organizational structure and financial mechanisms of district and ward People's Committees, coordination among ward officials and civil servants, and the scope of authority of district and ward People's Councils. Resolution No. 119/2020/QH14 mainly focused on piloting an urban governance model without introducing specific, breakthrough policies and mechanisms that could create widespread impact across various sectors.

Notably, special mechanisms allow localities to decide on and use a portion of their local financial resources from taxes and other sources. This autonomy enables localities to invest in infrastructure, education, healthcare, and other sectors effectively.

The application of special mechanisms grants localities the authority to define their development goals and strategies. Decisions made will be tailored to the unique characteristics and development potential of each locality, enhancing competitiveness and fostering sustainable development.

Specifically, these mechanisms will also include the establishment of special economic zones to attract investment and foster economic development in targeted areas. Special economic zones create a favorable business environment with preferential policies on taxes, customs, and investment. This attracts both domestic and foreign investors, generating jobs and stimulating local economic growth.

Special mechanisms provide localities with the autonomy to develop their economies efficiently. Local decision-making authority combined with local financial resources promotes investment, job creation, and community income growth. This contributes to national economic growth and reduces the development gap between regions.

Therefore, special mechanisms also encourage innovation and creativity at the local level. Making decisions and formulating unique strategies allow localities to focus on their advantageous and potential sectors. This fosters innovation in business, technology, and management, creating an environment that drives development and enhances the quality of life.

For example, special mechanisms provide local financial resources for investing in transportation infrastructure, public transport, and related projects. This improves connectivity between localities and enhances the movement of goods, services, and people. Good infrastructure is crucial for attracting investment and economic development.

Additionally, these mechanisms offer opportunities for rural areas to develop economically, improve living standards, and reduce labor surplus. Localities can focus on developing agriculture, processing agricultural products, and building tourist destinations to attract visitors. This simultaneously helps preserve and promote local culture, heritage, and landscapes.

In conclusion, special mechanisms will prove essential and effective in promoting local development in Vietnam. Local decision-making authority, local financial resources, and special economic zones create a conducive environment for investment, innovation, and economic growth. These mechanisms also help balance development across regions, fostering sustainability and improving the quality of life for citizens. The government should continue to enhance and optimize special mechanisms to drive comprehensive national development.

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