Practical applications of carbon credits in the economy. Part XI: Developing a sustainable and environmentally friendly transportation system

DNHN - Transportation contributes significantly to global carbon emissions. Therefore, creating a sustainable and environmentally friendly transportation system is crucial for ensuring economic development and a healthy living environment for the future.

Providing high-quality and convenient public transportation services will motivate people to use them in their daily life
Providing high-quality and convenient public transportation services will motivate people to use them in their daily life. (Ảnh: Internet)

Investing in smart transportation infrastructure

One effective way to reduce carbon emissions in transportation is to encourage the use of sustainable vehicles. Electric cars, hybrid cars, vehicles powered by renewable energy, and public transportation are good alternatives to fossil fuel-powered cars. Governments and organizations can implement policies, tax incentives, and infrastructure plans to promote the use of sustainable transportation. Additionally, providing convenient recharging and refueling facilities is essential to meet user demands.

The development of information technology has opened opportunities to build smart and energy-efficient transportation infrastructure. Smart transportation systems, smart urban transport, and traffic data analysis can help optimize road usage, reduce traffic congestion, and save time and energy. Moreover, using technology to manage and control transportation systems also helps reduce carbon emissions from vehicles.

Public transportation plays a crucial role in reducing carbon emissions. Investing in modern and convenient public transportation systems, including subways, buses, trams, and other public vehicles, will encourage people to abandon personal vehicles and switch to public transport. Providing high-quality and convenient public transportation services will motivate people to use them in their daily life.

Transportation and logistics processes can be improved to reduce carbon emissions. Using technology to monitor and manage transportation processes, optimize routes, and eliminate inefficiencies can help reduce carbon emissions from trucks and other freight vehicles. Additionally, encouraging the consolidation and sharing of transportation can minimize the number of vehicles on the road and reduce carbon emissions.

Innovation and technological development in the transportation sector are crucial for low-carbon development. Research and investment in new technologies such as self-driving cars, autonomous electric vehicles, and smart transportation systems can help reduce carbon emissions and enhance transportation efficiency. Encouraging collaboration between technology companies and the transportation industry also promotes the development and deployment of new solutions.

Focusing on energy transition and reducing carbon emissions in road transportation
Focusing on energy transition and reducing carbon emissions in road transportation. (Ảnh: Internet)

Developing a sustainable and resilient transportation sector is vital

According to experts, developing low-carbon transportation is a significant step in reducing carbon emissions and protecting the environment. By encouraging the use of sustainable transportation, building smart infrastructure, promoting public transport, optimizing transportation processes, and innovating technology, we can create an environmentally friendly and sustainable transportation system for the future. Cooperation between governments, businesses, and communities is necessary to achieve this goal and build a bright future for the next generations.

Mr. Ousmane Dione, Director of the World Bank in Vietnam, believes that a resilient transportation system is crucial for ensuring Vietnam's economic success, especially as the economy relies heavily on foreign trade and seamless transportation connections. The results and recommendations in this report will support Vietnam's efforts in developing a sustainable and resilient transportation sector.

According to Mr. Ousmane Dione, combining various policies and investment categories, by 2030, Vietnam can reduce carbon emissions in the transportation sector by up to 9% using only domestic resources and 15-20% if mobilizing international resources and private sector participation.

Currently, the transportation sector contributes about 10.8% of total carbon emissions in Vietnam. Under normal development scenarios, these emissions are projected to increase annually by 6-7%, reaching nearly 70 million tons of carbon equivalent by 2030. The most cost-effective measures to enhance the resilience of the transportation sector include shifting transportation from road to inland waterways and coastal shipping, applying stricter fuel efficiency standards for vehicles, and promoting electric vehicle development.

This includes providing a framework to analyze critical points and vulnerabilities of the transportation network and presenting a compelling economic argument for investing in climate-resilient transportation networks in Vietnam. Vulnerability assessments consider the expected impacts of various natural disasters on transportation corridors or networks. Importance assessments examine questions such as which links and routes in the network are most critical for ensuring continuous service.

Research identifies key systemic issues and specific locations at risk from natural disasters within Vietnam's transportation network. Considering climate change, 20% of the transportation network is considered vulnerable to future natural disaster risks. Meanwhile, road network failures can result in very high losses of up to $1.9 million per day, while railway failures can result in losses of up to $2.6 million per day.

To prepare for the increasing intensity and frequency of natural disaster risks due to climate change, Vietnam's road network needs investment to improve existing road assets designed to higher climate resilience standards.

Due to the vulnerability of land transport, shifting to water transport modes will be an effective strategy to address climate change. Analysis results show that shifting just 10% of transport volume in this direction can reduce climate risk by 25%.

Nghe Nhan

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