
Inadequate regulations of Decree 09 need to be addressed for food processing enterprises

Inadequate regulations of Decree 09 need to be addressed for food processing enterprises

For the past 8 years, the mandatory regulations on adding micronutrients to food ingredients have sparked a wave of reactions from businesses, as they are not in line with science and risk management, nor are they practical.

Practical Applications of Carbon Credits in the Economy. Part VI: Driving force for clean industry development

Practical Applications of Carbon Credits in the Economy. Part VI: Driving force for clean industry development

Developing clean industry is a crucial goal for many countries worldwide. As Vietnam's economy rises strongly, finding effective solutions for environmental protection and sustainable development is essential.

Can public investment stimulate private investment?

Can public investment stimulate private investment?

Public investment policies have been actively implemented to stimulate private investment. Therefore, the benefits and mechanisms that public investment brings to encourage private sector activity are very positive.

Effective policies to accompany businesses

Effective policies to accompany businesses

If the Vietnamese economy is compared to a person who has recently recovered from a serious illness, the State's support packages are analogous to a unique tonic that aids patients in regaining their health. This is also the driving force behind the economy regaining its growth momentum following periods of near-freezing activity in several sectors.

When will urban railways in Vietnam truly accelerate?

When will urban railways in Vietnam truly accelerate?

Although the Cát Linh-Hà Đông line has been operational, many urban railway projects are still facing difficulties in terms of progress and financing. To achieve a breakthrough in development, close coordination is needed.

Practical applications of carbon credits in the economy. Part X: Exploiting carbon potential in intensive agriculture

Practical applications of carbon credits in the economy. Part X: Exploiting carbon potential in intensive agriculture

Intensive agriculture is a crucial method in meeting the increasing food demand and protecting the environment. However, this method holds significant potential for exploiting carbon credits, contributing to the fight against climate change.

Practical application of carbon credits in the economy. Part III: The issuance and trading process of carbon credits

Practical application of carbon credits in the economy. Part III: The issuance and trading process of carbon credits

In the battle against climate change, carbon credits serve as a tool to mitigate emissions and create a balance between pollution and environmental protection. The issuance and trading of carbon credits are crucial processes.