Binh Dinh actively develops investment promotion programs that are appropriate for the locality's current situation

DNHN - In response to the general state of the country as a result of the Covid-19 epidemic, and at the request of the Government, Binh Dinh province has been deploying determined and synchronously strong solutions in epidemic prevention and control by the Government's regulations, with the motto of combining "dual goals" with disease prevention and control, with the protection of people's health being the priority, and socioeconomic recovery and development being the secondary goal.


Ảnh minh họa

In 2021, the province's investment promotion activities will shift from face-to-face to online form. 

The province has organized and attended many conferences and seminars such as Webinar on US investment promotion in Binh Dinh province; Investment Promotion Seminar in Korea, Japan; Vietnam - Middle East webinar; Investment Promotion Conference in the context of Covid-19: Changes and measures to reduce risks for foreign investors; worked online with Ambassador Pham Sanh Chau, Vietnamese Ambassador to India on attracting investment from Indian businesses into industrial clusters in the province; Online conference to develop socio-economic development plan and public investment in 2022; Webinar on Handbook for implementation of international investment commitments; Meeting Europe 2021: Vietnam - EU Partnership after Covid-19 and the publication of the Eurocham White Paper 2021; Webinar "Development of offshore wind power for Vietnam's clean energy future"; Attending the 9th Online Business Seminar in Saitama Prefecture, Japan in the Northern Region, etc. 

The province also worked online with Yongsan District, KIND Association, KOICA, Samsung Engineering Enterprise (Korea) on promoting smart city infrastructure construction projects; German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Vietnam and PNE Group (Germany) on offshore wind power project promotion; and attended the India - Vietnam Investment Forum 2021 in Ho Chi Minh City. In addition to the above activities, Binh Dinh worked online with FPT Corporation, worked with Long Son Co., Ltd. to implement the investment project of Factory 2, Long Son iron and steel production association and the international general port. Long Son economy; working with Hung Thinh Group Joint Stock Company to propose survey, research and assessment of wind potential in some areas in Phu Cat and Phu My districts; working with GGoldbergerCo., Ltd (Korea) on a proposal to implement a resort tourist spot; worked with Thagrico Binh Dinh Company on the project of raising high-tech piglets… 

Annually, there are adjustments and supplements to suit reality. In 2021, the province will attract 93 domestic investment projects with a total capital of over 104,340.19 billion VND.

To create favourable conditions for the Central region in general and Binh Dinh province in particular in attracting investment, the People's Committee of Binh Dinh province has also made recommendations to the Ministry of Planning and Investment such as: Creating mechanisms and policies attracting investment to the South Central region in general and Binh Dinh province in particular; pay attention to and allocate the central budget to speed up the construction of essential infrastructure systems for the province; consider applying financial measures to support enterprises; land rent exemption or reduction for enterprises; exemption, reduction and extension of payment of taxes, charges for businesses; direct the reduction of electricity, water and other related service costs, especially seaport and logistics services.


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