#supply chains

Vietnam becoming key market for big-thinking logistics groups

Vietnam becoming key market for big-thinking logistics groups

Logistics firms are pinning high hopes on the recovery of Vietnam's supply chains, following their scheme to scale up business activities.

Supporting enterprises to join the global supply chain: Opening doors to opportunities and prosperity

Supporting enterprises to join the global supply chain: Opening doors to opportunities and prosperity

Creating a favorable environment for enterprises to participate in the global supply chain not only generates economic benefits but also contributes to the sustainable development and prosperity of the country.

Removing policy "bottlenecks" and increasing connectivity for the development of the supporting industry

Removing policy "bottlenecks" and increasing connectivity for the development of the supporting industry

The supporting industry plays a crucial role in promoting development and enhancing competitiveness. To develop this sector robustly, it is necessary to remove policy "bottlenecks" and increase connectivity within the industry.

Standard Chartered anticipates accelerated recovery in Q2

Standard Chartered anticipates accelerated recovery in Q2

In its recent study titled Vietnam – Recovery to gain momentum Quarter 2, Standard Chartered maintains its GDP growth forecast for Vietnam at 6.7 per cent, as the bounce in economic indicators has become broader.

Textile enterprises need to change production strategies

Textile enterprises need to change production strategies

To participate in the supply chain, textile enterprises must change their production strategies through process improvements, innovation in machinery and equipment, technology updates and greening of production stages to enhance quality.